All about Standard Poodles
Standard Poodles are identical to miniature and toy poodles, except in height - they are the largest of the three types.
It is a friendly, intelligent, loyal and steady companion, excellent with children and other pets, fitting into almost any lifestyle. Retaining some of it's hunting past, standard poodles love to run, swim and retrieve.
Bright and intelligent, they are easy to train and eager to please - they are devoted to their families, although can be reserved with strangers. Happy good tempered dogs, they make ideal family pets.
With a virtually non shedding woolly coat, they are great for allergy sufferers.
The Standard Poodle is known as one of the original continental water dogs, especially in Germany and Russia - dating as far back as the 1500's. The traditional trim was not historically for aesthetic purposes, it was practical to leave the longer hair to protect the heart and chest from the cold water, clipping hair on the legs decreased drag while swimming. It was the French who subsequently added the pompons and ribbons wich are seen in the show rings today, after adopting them as the national dog of France amongst the aristocracy - the term 'French Poodle', is still heard today.
Standard Poodles at a glance
Our 4 Paw Rating - to the suitability of Standard Poodles for your home and lifestyle
Shoulder height 15 - 21 inches, weight 45 -65lbs
Coat Care
Low dander, virtually non shedding - requires regular grooming /clipping to prevent matting
Family Life
Loves people, especially children - gets on well with other
Happy in urban or rural life, as long as sufficient exercise is
Life expectancy 10 - 13 years
Skinpunch for SA and eye and hip tests recommended
Average amount of exercise needed, will go further if Offered!
Easy to train, quick to learn what is expected
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See also: [Dog Breeds]
[Choosing A Dog]